Jan 6 2009
About This Program
System Requirements
Using MicroWeb
Release History
Contacting the Author
License Agreement
MicroWeb allows you to create a working web site on a CD-ROM. Using a web browser, a user can run cgi programs as well as view html files on the CD-ROM.
To view the website the end user only has to run the microweb.exe program on the CD-ROM, there is nothing to configure. This will automatically start a web browser for viewing the website.
MicroWeb provides support for MySQL, it will automatically start a MySQL server if one is included on the CD.
There is no royalty on each CD containing the runtime distributed and there is no limit on the number of CDs that can be distributed. A license is required only for your development machine.
Requires any 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows including XP/Vista, 98,2K,ME,NT
Unzip the installation file to any directory, for example c:\microweb. This will create
a working website. To view the website run the program microweb.exe. This will start the
MicroWeb server and start a web browser for viewing the sample web site.
To enter a registration key if you have one, start microweb, then right-click on
the microweb icon in the system tray and click on the 'Register...' menu item.
Requires any 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows including XP/Vista, 98,2K,ME,NT
The sample website
The installation zip file for MicroWeb will create a sample website. To view the sample website run the microweb.exe program. This will automatically start a web browser for viewing the website. The site contains sample html pages, forms and some sample CGI scripts.
How to create a website for shipping on CD-ROM.
Copy the sample website, and add your own html and CGI files. Modify the
microweb.ini file if necessary. The sample website contains an autorun.inf which will
automatically start the website when the CD is inserted into a drive.
You must also run MicroWeb on your own PC (i.e. the PC where MicroWeb program is registered) anytime that the index.html page for your website is modified. This allows MicroWeb to add or modify an entry in the microweb.ini file. Without this entry, running the website on a non-registered PC will display a message saying "This is an evaluation version..."
Testing your CD-ROM
We suggest that before you burn your cd-rom, you test the cd-rom image
using a tool called MagicDisk. With this tool you can mount an iso file as
a virtual CD-ROM.
You can download MagicDisk from here
Note: MagicDisk is a free utility that should be confused with MagicISO, which
is a different commercial application from the same authors. You probably
want to right-click then click options and disable auto verify to speed it up.
The microweb.ini file is used to configure various options for MicroWeb. These
are described in detail below. Option values can be specified in the
microweb.ini or on the command line. Command line options override the ini
file. Option names are case insensitive.
In the micorweb.ini an option and value is entered on a single line as
'name=value'. On the command line the option is entered as -name=value.
* Server root directory
When MicroWeb is started the directory where microweb.exe becomes the
server root. To specify a different server root directory use the option 'ServerRoot=New_directory'
MicroWeb will look for a microweb.ini file in the sever root
directory. The server root directory can be set by the following option:
You can also use the option -serverroot=. (single period) to use the current directory.
* Document root directory
Specifies where the documents are located, the default is is 'htdocs'.
If a relative path is given then the path is relative to the server root.
* Specifying the host name of your web site.
Specify the host name of your website with the following entry in the ini file:
The default value is microweb. You can use any name, for example www.myserver.com, or even www.microsoft.com. Be aware, however, that if you use the name of a real host, you will no longer be able to access the real host until you shut down MicroWeb by closing the web browser and rebooting the PC. This is because the web browser caches the IP address of the host until the PC is rebooted, or a long idle time has elapsed.
Using the name of a real host is also not recommended on PC's using a proxy server, as proxy service for the selected server will be disabled. If the real site that you are emulating is called foo.com we suggest that you use the name foocd.com.
A special value of hostname=default will cause MicroWeb to use the host name of the machine where MicroWeb is running.
* Specifying the port number for your web site.
* Choosing a browser.
When MicroWeb is started the default web browser is also started. You can select a different browser with one of the following entries in the microweb.ini file:
browser=ie browser=netscape browser=none
You can also select a browser with one of the following command line options:
-browser=ie -browser=netscape -browser=none
If the selected web browser is 'non' then MicroWeb can be shutdown by clicking on the Exit menu item in the Microweb tray icon.
You can also explicitly specify the browser to use by adding the following line to the ini file:
The path can be absolute or relative to the server's root directory.
To start the browser in kiosk mode, use this entry:
* Default file.
The default file is displayed when the request URL contains a directory path, but
no specific file. MicroWeb will look for index.php,index.html,index.htm or
index.shtml and send the result to the web browser. If none of the above are
found, then it will display a listing of the files in the directory.
To override the default file list, use an entry like this:
* Using Perl CGI scripts.
Perl cgi scripts must use the file extensions .pl or .cgi. They can be placed in
any directory. The sample site is shipped with Perl interpreter which includes the CGI.pm
module. If you need additional library modules, you can add them to the Perl
directory. If you wish, you can replace the Perl directory with a complete binary
distribution of the Perl interpreter. The full MicroWeb download contains
a full release of Perl, including DBI and DBD::mysql.
If you want to use Perl scripts but want to avoid shipping your source code to your
customers, you can use Perl2Exe to convert the
scripts to an executable files. The path to the Perl interpreter can be
specified with the following option:
* Using PHP cgi scripts.
[ScriptMap] .html=php\php.exe
* Replacing PHP with a new version
PHP is installed in a directory with a name like 'php-5.2.8-5'. To add a
new version of PHP download a new copy of PHP and unzip it into the Microweb
Edit microweb.ini and change the vaiable 'phppath' to the name of the new php
executable. Example:
* Using Zend encoded PHP scripts.
To enable support for encoded or encrypted PHP scripts uncomment the
following line in the php.ini file by removing the leading semicolon:
;zend_extension_manager.optimizer_ts="..\zend\lib\Optimizer-3.3.0" ;zend_extension_ts="..\zend\lib\ZendExtensionManager.dll"
If you need to use encoded scripts in a subdirectory copy the php.ini file to the subdirectory and change the paths by prefixing them with a "..\".
* Using Ioncube encoded PHP scripts.
Download the Ioncube loader from the following url and unzip it into
the microweb directory. This will create an ioncube subdirectory.
Uncomment the following line in the php.ini file by removing the leading semicolon:
If you need to use encoded scripts in a subdirectory copy the php.ini file to the subdirectory and change the paths by prefixing them with a "..\".
* Using another CGI scripting language.
The example below is for the rebol language, modify the instructions as
appropriate for another language:
1) Make a rebol subdirectory below the root directory
2) Copy the rebol.exe interpreter and other dll files into the rebol directory.
3) Add the following entry to the microweb.ini file:
[ScriptMap] .r=rebol\rebol.exe
* Using a MySQL database.
The MicroWeb download is preconfigured to support MySQL. You
will need to replace the data directory with your own data. The sample website contains a
sample test script called cgi-bin/mysqlsamp.pl.
The initial database that ships with microweb uses the username root with a
blank password. To connect to the database using the 'mysql.exe' client
program from a dos prompt, use this command:
mysql -u root
To change the root password use this command:
mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD
If you change the root password you will also need to add a shutdown command in
OnExit=%%$server_root\mysql\bin\mysqladmin%% --user=root -pNEWPASSWORD shutdown
* MicroWeb database location
Microweb uses two copies of the database: a master copy and a working copy.
If the source media is read-only, MicroWeb will automatically copy the contents of the mysql\data
directory to a cache directory on the local disk the first time that it is used.
Copy1: The master copy is a read-only copy of the database
in the Microweb directory.
This is located, for example, in d:\mysql\data if Microweb is installed on a
CD-ROM, or c:\microweb\mysql\data if Microweb is installed on a hard disk.
Copy2: The working copy is on the users hard disk. The location is not
fixed. It is given by:
Where %TEMP% is the users temp directory, HOSTNAME is the hostname in the
microweb.ini file, and VVV is the optional value in the DatabaseVersion parameter specified in the microweb.ini file.
The following DOS command can be used to delete the working
rmdir /s %TEMP%\microweb-data
microweb.exe -deletedb
The working copy is only made the first time that MicroWeb is used. If a copy was made every time that MicroWeb was started the users data would be overwritten. To cause MicroWeb to use a new directory for the working database when a new CD is shipped with a new database, use the following entry in the [OPTIONS] section:
The value is any string that is a valid directory name. The string will be appended to the path of the working database, e.g. tempdir\microweb-data0001.
The copy is made to provide a writeable database - assuming that the original files are on a read-only CD. If your website is not on a CD, or if it is on a CD and you only need a read-only database, this copy can be disabled with the following entry in the [OPTIONS] section:
If you use the option 'CopyMysqlFiles=0' then microweb will only use the master copy. Note that the innodb database engine is not compatible with a CD based read-only database.
If you make changes to the master copy then you will need to delete the working copy.
If you make changes to the working copy that you need to keep, copy the working copy back to the master copy.
* Troubleshooting MySQL
When the MySQL sever is running the Microweb tray icon will change to a green
If MySQL does not start look in the mysql log file for error messages. The
log file is located at %TEMP%\microweb-data\mysqllog.txt, where %TEMP% it the
system temp directory. You can open the temp folder by clicking on the 'TempDirectory'
shortcut in the Microweb folder.
If that does not help try starting mysqly manually. For your convenience
Microweb creates two batch files for starting and stopping mysql. The
files are called startmysql.bat abd stopmysql.bat and are located i nthe %TEMP%\microweb-data
Run the startmysql.bat file and look for for error messages in the DOS window
and in the mysqllog.txt file.
* Replacing MySQL with a new version
Mysql is installed in a directory with a name like 'mysql-5.1.30'. To add
a new version of Mysql download a new copy of Mysql and unzip it into the
Microweb folder. Or you can copy your entire mysql directory, including your
data directory (which contains your database files) if you wish.
Edit microweb.ini and change the vaiable 'mysqldir' to the name of the new
* Installing PhpMyAdmin
MicroWeb version 3.00 comes with phpMyAdmin installed. If you
need to install you own follow these steps.
Edit php.ini and uncomment the following lines:
Unzip phpMyAdmin into the htdocs folder and rename the folder to phpmyadmin.
PhpMyAdmin version 2.11 was found to work fine. PhpMyAdmin version 3.1
worked after the root password was changed to non-blank as described in the
above section.
Start Microweb and in the browser request the URL http://hostname/phpmyadmin/
* Customizing the MySQL startup command
MicroWeb will automatically start and stop the mysql database server
with the commands similar to the following:
OnStart="%B%\bin\mysqld.exe" --defaults-file="%B%/my.ini" --basedir="%B%" --datadir="%D%" --log-error="%C%/mysqllog.txt" --pid-file="%C%/mysql.pid" --bind-address= --innodb_log_group_home_dir="%C%" --skip-innodb OnExit="%B%\bin\mysqladmin.exe" -uroot shutdown
Innodb tables are disabled in the default command. To enable innodb
tables, remove the --skip-innodb option.
If you are copying an externally created database into Microweb\mysql\data and
if the external database uses innodb tables then you should enable innodb. If you are creating your database with Microweb then MYISAM
tables are more flexible and efficient.
The following special strings are replaced with corresponding run-time
%B% The mysql base directory
%C% A writeable cache directory where pi and log files can be
%D% The mysql working database base directory
%T% Path to temporary directory
* Using an alternative port for MySQL database
If the target machine has a running mysql database server you will need to
use an alternative port. To change the mysql server port number add an
option like --port=3000 to the OnStart and OnExit commands.
OnStart=... --port=3000 ... OnExit=... --port=3000 ...
You must make the corresponding change to your PHP or Perl code. In the
mysqldemo.php sample file change the value of $dbhost as follows:
$dbhost = "localhost:3000";
In the mysqlsamp.pl sample file change the following line:
my ($dbname, $user, $password, $host, $port, $socket) = ("test", "", "", "localhost",
"", "");
my ($dbname, $user, $password, $host, $port, $socket) = ("test", "", "", "localhost",
"3000", "");
* Using an SQLite database with PHP.
MicroWeb contains support for using an SQLite database from PHP. SQLite is a simple file based database engine that does not require a database server.
If you going to use SQLite remove or rename the mysql directory, this will avoid staring the mysql database server, which you do not need.
The sample script makesqlitedb.php contains an example of how you you would create a simple database. This is how you could create your database on your development machine.
The sample script usesqlitedb.php contains an example of how you you would use a simple database on your distributed CD-ROM. The script first copies the database from the CD-ROM to a working directory on the local hard disk. If you only need a read-only database, you can skip this copy step. The data is copied only once, so that if the user runs the application again any modification to the database will be preserved.
* Enabling file downloading of executable files.
Normally executable files and CGI scripts in any directory executed and the
results are displayed to a browser. You can enable downloading of these files from
some directories by using the cgiroot entry in the ini file. For example the
following entry will tell MicroWeb that only files in the cgi-bin directory or below are
to be executed:
* Accessing local directories.
To access a a file on the local machine, for example c:\windows\temp\foo.html ,
use a url like /c:/windows/temp/foo.html
* Using a temporary directory
A writeable directory for temporary files can be found from the expression:
$tempDir = $ENV{'TEMP'} || $ENV{'TMP} || $ENV{'WINDIR'};
* Debugging CGI scripts
MicroWeb supports two cgi debugging flags, they can be placed in the url as:
.../debug_cgi/... or .../show_cgi/...
For example to debug /cgi-bin/testcgi.exe use a url of /cgi-bin/debug_cgi/testcgi.exe
debug_cgi will display raw output to the browser, including all headers printed by the
show_cgi will display the cgi output in a new console window, no data will be sent to the
The flags can also be placed on the command line as -show_cgi or -debug_cgi.
* Server Side Includes
MicroWeb supports the exec cgi, exec cmd, include virtual, and include file,
server side directives. Examples:
<!--#exec cgi="/cgi/bin/mycgi.pl"-->
<!--#exec cmd="cgi-bin/mycgi.pl-->
<!--#include virtual="filename.txt"-->
<!--#include file="filename.txt"-->
A sample file ssisamp.shtml is included in the distribution. Recursive includes are not supported.
By default SSI is enabled for all files with an extension of .shtml. To enable SSI processing for all html files add the following entries to the microweb.ini file.
[ScriptMap] .html=ssi.exe .htm=ssi.exe
* Disabling the IE5 Work Offline dialog box.
This dialog box can be displayed by IE5 on a PC with a dial up connection.
MicroWeb automatically disables this dialog box for the English, Dutch, German
French and Italian language
versions of IE5. For other languages you will need to specify the caption test of
this dialog box with an entry like the following:
WorkOfflineTitle=Off line werken
* Adding New Mime Types.
MicroWeb is preconfigured with most common mime-types. You can add additional
ones by adding an entry like the one below to the microweb.ini file.
[mime-types] .cic=image/x-cic
* Allow listing of directories
The following entry determine whether directory contents can be listed.
* Allow Remote Access
By default the website can only be viewed on the PC where it is running. Use the following entry to allow viewing from other computers.
MicroWeb will automatically shutdown when the browser is closed.
MicroWeb can be explicitly shut down by running the command "microweb -shutdown".
MicroWeb can also be explicitly shut down by requesting a URL like "/microweb_shutdown/somepage.html". Microweb will remove "/microweb_shutdown" from the URL and process and display the remaining URL, then shut down 5 seconds later.
MicroWeb can also be shutdown by clicking on 'Exit' on the MicroWeb Tray icon menu.
Windows 95 does not come with MFC42.DLL. If you have IE installed
MFC42.DLL will likely be already installed. You will need to download one
from the internet.
If you get a message saying that Microweb.exe is linked to a missing export
mfc42.dll, download a newer copy of MFC42.DLL from the internet.
If you get a message that says, php4ts.dll is linked to missing export
oleaut32.dll, download and install a newer copy of DCOM. Get DCOM98.EXE
DCOM V1.3 from microsoft.com.
If you get a message that says, A required .DLL file, ODBC32.DLL, was not found,
then you need to download and install download MDAC 2.8 from microsoft.com.
MySql version 5 does not work on Windows 98. However MySQL version 4
works. Replace the MySQL directory with version 4. Update the
variable 'mysqldir' in the microweb.ini file.
PHP code in the htdocs directory will work fine. However if the php code
is is in a subdirectory of htdocs, then you will need to copy the php.ini file
from php\php.in to the subfolder where the php files are and update the
entension_dir variable from:
extension_dir = "..\php-5.2.8\ext"
extension_dir = "..\..\php-5.2.8\ext"
V3.00 Dec 18 2008
Tray icon changes to green when mysql is running
Added tray menu item to enter registration key
Update PHP version -> 5.2.8
Update MYSQL version -> 5.1.30
Add PhpMyAdmin version
Add option mysqldir (default mysql) to specify mysqldirectory
Microweb temp data directory is now %TEMP%\microweb-data
OnStart/OnExit command syntax changed
MySql data is only copied (by default) to a cache directory if source media is
Doc: Added Windows 98 support notes
Doc: Updated Innodb table type support notes
Running a second copy of MicroWeb will ask the user if they want to run a second
Sessions files are removed from temp directory on exit
Shortened php.ini file with only MicroWeb changes
Php.ini includes extensions needed by phpMyAdmin
Create startmysql.bat and stopmysql.bat files in temp directory
CopyMySqlData values are now auto|1|0 (default=auto)
Bugfix: SSI fails if microweb is installed in a directory path containing spaces
Added Ioncube encoder support
V2.12 Sep 13 2008
Bugfix: ssi include virtual does not work subdirectories
Bugfix: ScriptMap entry .html=ssi.exe not working
V2.11 Jul 13 2008
Updated Zend Optimizer to version 3.3.3
Updated php.ini to specify correct extensions directory
Updated php.ini to preload mysql extensions
V2.10 Feb 15 2008
Added support for PHP 5.2.5
Added support for MySQL 5.0.51a
Added support for Innodb MySQL tables
Use php-cgi.exe if present instead of php.exe
Use mysqld-nt.exe if present instead of mysqld.exe
Automatically use log file if it exists at $ENV{USERPROFILE}\Desktop\mw.log ||
Add option -cleandb - Remove all working databases and exit
Add option cleandbc - Remove all working databases and continue
V2.00 Apr 12 2007
Fixed: Arguments to shtml page are not passed through to SSI CGI in
Added support for Portable Firefox
Added support for T-Mobile browser
Added MySQL 5 support
Added support for Windows Vista
V1.50 Aug 5 2006
Fixed: index.php not executed as PHP if cgiroot=/cgi-bin
Fixed: if option -singleinstance is used, mysql shutdown should be performed by
first instance
Substitute $temp in mysql command used for mysql pid file
Added Environment variable ProgramFiles which is needed by Adobe installer
Fixed: If default browser is Firefox and -browser=ie is used then browser
displays default home page
Fixed: gd_demo.php does not display the generated image
Add support for PHP 5.1.4
Added support for Portable Firefox
Fixed: Arguments to shtml page are not passed through to SSI CGI in
V1.31 May 12 2005
Firefox Proxy exceptions list is now updated
Session cookies are now stored in users temp directory
Added PHP 4.3.10
Session.save_path set to blank
php.ini updated to list gd2 instead of gd
Fixed: links to PDF files with accents or degree char '°C' fail
Do not try to start mysqld if it does not exist.
Pop up a message if mysqld fails to start
Fixed: In a few rare cases hangs when downloading PHP page
Added alias for temp which can point to users temp directory, format temp=$temp
Microweb exists if MozillFirefox opens a Window with no title
V1.30 Feb 2 2005
Serverroot should defaults to program directory instead of current
Added -singleinstance option
Option -shutdown should not start microweb if there is no other instance
In browserpath option substitute $temp with temp directory
ShowTrayIcon option defaults to 1
Post to PHP sometimes fails
Missing sample script /cgi-bin/hellocgi.pl
Microweb.exe can now be moved to a subdirectory, e.g. /bin.
Fixed: Microweb and mysqld display personal firewall
software alerts
V1.29 Nov 1 2004
MicroWeb will display as icon in system tray if option -ShowTrayIcon
is set
When started with -browser=none display icon in system tray
Webid is always 0 if default file is index.php
V1.28 July 24 2004
Added support for Avant Browser
Added support for Slim Browser
Fixed: First char from body is removed if you use CGI;
Sometimes Fails on first start from CD with Netscape
Script_name variable contains unnecessary path info
Fixed: Crashes if autodial is enabled
Added command line shutdown command
Added a shutdown command from a browser
Add index.php as a default file
Fixed: Server incorrectly echos back cookies sent by browser.
V1.27 Mar 17 2004
Added -shutdown command line option
Added support for Mozilla and Firefox browsers
V1.26 Feb 28 2004
Fixed: PHP session files are left in
Fixed: Uploading large files is very slow {100-1006}
ixed: PHP pages display very slowly if they use large cookies > 5MB
Fixed: Copying mysql files to temp directory sometimes fails
V1.25 Nov 22 2003
Fixed: WebID in microweb.ini file not updated correctly.
V1.24 Oct 26 2003
Fixed: Post to PHP fails if data is greater than 2021 bytes.
PHP version updated to 4.3.3
Added PHP support for SQLite
MySQL version updated to 4.0.16
Added a DocumentRoot option
PHP will look for php.ini file in current directory then in server root
Fixed: Large POST to hellocgi.pl fails
Fixed: A failing CGI produces a page not found error instead of a bad header
Fixed: Mysqld is not shutdown on Windows 98
V1.23 b May 13 2003
V1.23 Mar 23 2003
Added support for handling proxy override with Netscape 6 and 7
Fixed proxy override problem for IE on Win98
gs_samp.php loads gd extension dynamically
Support for PHP encoded files made optional
V1.22 Mar 11 2003
Fixed: Hangs if a PHP page tries to reads another PHP page
Added support for PHP encoded files using the Zend Optimizer
Added support for handing proxy override for Netscape 6 and 7
Fixed handling of PHP header("Location:..) function
More reliable handling of aborted connections.
V1.21 Feb 27 2003
Fixed: Hangs if a PHP page tries to reads another PHP page
Working database will be updated if a new CD contains a new database.
Fixed: The wrong mysql server is stopped if there are multiple mysql servers
The optimized mysql server is now used instead of the debug one.
V1.20 Jan 3 2003
Fixed: Hangs if a large amount of form data is posted
Php.ini is no longer required to be in each subdirectory
Fixed: PHP global form variables are not set by default
- Changed register_globals to On in the php.ini file
- default was changes to off after version 4.2.0
V1.19 Nov 17 2002
V1.18 Oct 3 2002
V1.17 Mar 31 2002
V1.16 Oct 8 2001
Fixed: Data posted from a form to a CGI would sometimes display a blank page.
Fixed: An aborted browser connection requesting a CGI would sometimes produce a
Added mime types .pdf=application/pdf & .exe=application/octet-stream
Fixed: Env var PATH_INFO is not set (extra path after a real cgi or file)
Ini file setting in current directory will override setting from program
- previously it was only read from current directory
Undo fix for AOL, use the default browser
Allow alias for cgi-bin
Changed color of the 16x16 icon to light blue, so it shows better on the start
menu's gray background instead of the gray.
WorkOfflineTitle option now accepts a list of semicolon separated titles.
default =Off line werken and Work Offline is built-in
Fixed: Does not support streaming audio/video
positioning the scroll bar to the middle causes the audio to be streamed
from the start.
URL of the form foo.htm?foo=bar now works
V1.15 Aug 3, 2000
V1.14 Mar 16, 2000
Sets environment variable SystemRoot - required for perl's gethostbyname - fixed
Work Offline dialog code handle multiple languages, including English and Dutch
Work Offline dialog support under Windows 2000
Add crlf to hosts file if needed - fixes the Unknown host message
CGI is enabled in all directories by default instead of cgi-bin
New option cgiroot added
PHP3 support
Support for any script language processor
Script map option added
SSI can be enabled for html files
New option defaultfile added
Microweb can now be installed in directory paths containing spaces
Default browser lookup method changed to fix a problem with some AOL users
Mime types now include ".dwf", new ones can be added to the ini file with
[mime-types] .ext=type
V1.13 Dec 29, 1999
Fixed: Shipped perl.exe had a 2 second delay on exit
Fixed: Relative urls in hostname/directory/index.html sometimes did not work correctly
- hostname/directory is now redirected to hostname/directory/
Sets environment variable SystemRoot - required for perl's gethostbyname
V1.12 Dec 05, 1999
Fix to close the "Work Offline" dialog in IE5
Added sample files ssisamp.shtml and cgi-bin/ssicgi.pl
If hostname in ini file is "default", then don't modify hosts file on exit
Make hosts file writeable
Upgraded to perl 5.005_03
Add cgi.pm to perl distribution
Added samples hellocgi.pl and cgisamp.pl
Licencing info clarified that that there is no royalty on each CD.
SSI allows optional whitespace around the "="
Fix to testcgi.pl to remove warning message, updated to print environment variables.
V1.11 May 22, 1999
Additional fix for browser hanging when displaying pages in two or more frames.
V1.10 April 29, 1999
Added support for browser and browseroptions sections to the ini file.
Fixed a case where browser would hang when displaying pages in two or more frames.
Perl build 506+ support.
SSI support
Documentation updates: SSI, Debugging CGI, mfc42.dll, Virtual Directories.
Fix: perl5lib environment variable correctly set if using a user supplied perl directory.
V1.8 Nov 8,1998
Perl5lib environment variable is now correctly set to the perl library
V1.7 Sep 20,1998
Support for browsers using a Proxy Server - fixed for Netscape browsers
V1.6 July 20, 1998
Documentation: expanded requirements to include TCP/IP
Expand "No free port" message to say "TCP/IP not installed?"
Scripts will not run if using IE4 with a dial-up connection, and connection is not made.
V1.5 May 21,1998
Script containing print "Location: .." now works
V1.4 April 27,1998
Support for browsers using a Proxy Server
Allow downloading of exe files - exe, cgi and pl files can now be downloaded, as long as
they are not placed in the /ci-bin or /scripts directories
Allow choosing of a web browser
Fixed problem if Netscape is running before MicroWeb started
V1.3 April 17,1998
Bug Fix: Hosts file not correctly updated for NT
V1.2 April 08,1998
Change to the method of registering MicroWeb
V1.1 April 03,1998
Bug Fix: Browser displayes empty page if hosts file not found in Windows directory.
V1.0 Mar 22,1998
Initial release
We'd like to hear your questions and comments!:
Contact Information: http://www.indigostar.com/contact.htm
WWW: http://www.indigostar.com
For ordering information please visit our Web site.
You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Unless you have a different license agreement signed by IndigoStar Software, your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty.
Each registered copy of MicroWeb may be used at a single workstation to create an unlimited number of websites for distribution, subject to the following conditions:
* A separate registered copy of MicroWeb must be obtained for each workstation on which MicroWeb will be used even if such use is only temporary. This is not a "concurrent use" license.
* Websites created by MicroWeb are shipped with run-time portions of MicroWeb. Only a registered MicroWeb user may alter or modify the created website. You cannot give anyone else permission to modify the website.
* Websites generated by the registered version of MicroWeb may be distributed on CD-ROM or any other media. You can distribute as many copies of the generated websites as you wish without additional charge. There is no royalty on each distributed website.
All rights not expressly granted in this license agreement are reserved entirely to IndigoStar Software
Governing Law
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada.
Disclaimer of Warranty
THIS SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. Because of the various hardware and software environments into which MicroWeb may be put, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE.
This is not free software. You are hereby licensed to use the shareware evaluation version of MicroWeb for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 30 days. If you use this software after the 30 day evaluation period a registration fee is required. Under no circumstances are you licensed to distribute websites created by the shareware evaluation version of MicroWeb. Unregistered use of MicroWeb after the 30 day evaluation period is in violation of copyright laws.
Distribution of MicroWeb
You are hereby licensed to make as many copies of the shareware evaluation version of this software and documentation as you wish; you may give exact copies of the original shareware version to anyone; and distribute the shareware version of the software and documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge for any of the above.
You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any such copies, however made; and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission.